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New Wisconsin State 4-H Expo Qualifying Rules

The Wisconsin State 4-H Horse Association has made changes to the qualifying requirements for participating at the State 4-H Expo show.  Previously, a member had to earn a blue ribbon in a qualifying class at the county's qualifying show, as well as be in "good standing" in their county's 4-H program.  In Waukesha County, the qualifying show was the Waukesha County Fair.  As of 2023, the blue ribbon requirement will been removed.


Letter from the Wisconsin 4-H Horse Association

Letter from the UW-Extention Office

Qualifications for Participation


Each county makes their own dermination of what it means to be in "good standing."  Counties can no longer require participation in any specific events, therefore participation at the fair is no longer required to be eligible.  Participating in at least one show or a certain number of educational events can be required however.  The Waukesha 4-H Horse Association has defined a member to be in "good standing" as:

  • Volunteering 6 hours/member with max of 12 hours/family at the tack sale and/or circuit shows (max 2 hours at tack sale)

  • Attendance at at least 4 clinics

  • Attendance at at least one circuit show (participate or volunteer)

For more detailed information see HERE.


We hope members will choose to particpate at the Waukesha County Fair and the State 4-H Expo this year and represent the Waukesha Horse Project well!


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