Waukesha County Fair
Wednesday, July 17th through Sunday, July 21st 2024
The oldest county fair in Wisconsin and the largest event in Waukesha County. The Waukesha County Fair is the place to celebrate our rural heritage with barnyard animals, crafts, foods, farm displays and, of course, the midway. We are a non-profit volunteer organization, dedicated to supporting 4-H activities, education and providing a fun time for children and adults of all ages. Join us!
All exhibitors, whether showing in Junior or Open classes, must sign up for classes by June 15. Members may sign up for either Junior classes or Open classes but not both, even if using a different horse. Horses competing in the Youth Fair show or the Open show exhibitors may keep their horses on the grounds or come for just the day of the show. Horses may not be shared among competitors.
Sign up for any class you may be interested in. You can always cancel classes at the event, however you cannot add classes after registration closes.
Don't forget to sign up for hippology, horse photography, educational posters, or any other horse related projects under Department 210!
Fair Schedule of Events:
Horses may arrive beginning at 11am until 7pm
Horses may arrive beginning at 11am until 4pm
Hippology 4:00-6:00pm
Mandatory exhibitor meeting 6:30pm
Youth and Open Show starting at 8am
Parade of Champions 9:45am
Clinic 10am
Costume Class 12pm
Extreme Trail and Fun Classes 1pm
No youth events scheduled
We need everyone who is attending to volunteer so the show runs as smoothly as possible. Please sign up to volunteer!!!