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Mandatory Project Meeting Makeup

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Mandatory Meeting on Tuesday!  We had a good turnout and covered a lot of information for this year.  Participation in this meeting is mandatory to be considered in good standing with the project.
If you were unable to make the meeting for any reason, please complete the following:

  • Review the project forms

  • Watch the video of the meeting

  • Complete the Mandatory Meeting Makeup Questionnaire

The information shared in this meeting is important to anyone participating in the Horse Project or Horseless Horse Project and covers shows, clinics, events, rules, fair, hippology, and other opportunities with or without horses.  
Many of the forms in the packet are specific to showing a horse. This set of forms is for horseless horse project as well as for the horse project, however horseless horse project members can just ignore the parts specific to registering a horse to show.  There are still plenty of activities to do without a horse.  There are many educational clinics, opportunities to enter horse-related items at fair and state shows, and many volunteer opportunities that allow interaction with horses.  
I know the meeting video is long, but it does cover many opportunities for members with horses and without.  If you formally register for the project by May 1 (send in forms, just without the coggins/photo for members not showing a horse), attend four educational events, put in four volunteer hours at an event, and enter hippology (horse trivia) or any other class at at least one project-approved show, you can also earn year-end awards.
Attending the project days clinics is a great way to get started for any member. Signup is here.  Also, please read the monthly newsletters and share them with your child as there is a lot of great educational materials in there.  Newsletter archive
We'd love to have all of our members attend some events and expand their love of horses!  Let me know if you have any questions.
All Mandatory Meeting forms are located on the website at Please reference these forms as you watch the meeting.
Mandatory Meeting Makeup Questionnaire
Please read through the questionnaire before watching the video and answer as you watch.  When completed, please submit your responses to show you've watched the video.  Remember this meeting is MANDATORY for participation in the project.  QUESTIONNAIRE HERE
Meeting Video
Please watch the meeting VIDEO HERE 

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