Welcome to Waukesha County 4-H Horse Project Website!
Welcome! This site is dedicated to information sharing for Waukesha County 4-H Horse & Pony Project members and for all those interested in the project!
The project is available for any horse-loving members whether or not they own or have access to a horse. There are many educational opportunities for any interested youth. Click HERE for information on the Horseless Horse Project.
If you missed the mandatory meeting in January, click HERE to watch the video and earn credit for attending.
​Safe Riding!
The Wisconsin State 4-H Horse Association has made changes regarding qualifying for the Wisconsin State 4-H Expo. Check out the new information HERE.
Have you seen a 4-H member exhibiting great sportsmanship? Nominate them for the annual Sportsmanship Award HERE!
Board Meeting Info

Monthly Adult and Youth Horse Board Meeting
First Tuesday of the Month
Zoom Meeting - Check your email for link!